10 Things Worth Sharing March 1 – 7, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-02-28 at 5.45.10 PM

sculpture by Jonty Hurwitz original site for image

Week of March 1 – 7, 2015

Inspired by Austin Kleon, I am going to start posting a list of 10 things I think are worth sharing each week.

1.) Subscribe to Austin Kleon’s weekly list – it comes out every Friday and it is great! An eclectic mix of art, interesting things and innovations.

2.) The completion rate of moocs is an oft-cited issue that I think is bogus. The goal is not completion. Dave Cormier & George Siemens talk about moocs being like the beginnings of a conversation at a party, they help you decide if you want to stay longer. In this interview George alludes to mooc completion being “kind of like the question ‘who completes a library?’ We don’t have that mindset toward a library; we take the book we want to read and bring it back. MOOCs are more like that”

3.) Anyone interested in the history of communication and some of the threads that lead to the creation of the Internet will want to have at least a basic understanding of the contribution of Doug Engelbart, Vannevar Bush and The Hut Where the Internet Began?

4.) Do you think better chewing on the end of a pencil or tapping a keyboard? Research is providing some fascinating discoveries on How The Way You Write Changes the Way You Think 

5.) Did you look at this list and think, great, I’ll save it and come back to it later, or did you savour and sift through the material thoughtfully? – perhaps you suffer from Collector’s Fallacy

6.) What effect does hearing have on teaching skills? I listened to this podcast from Hybrid Pedagogy three times and each time it seemed to be richer than the time before.

7.) We frequently talk about the way in which we view the world as being a matter of perspective. Jonty Hurwitz’ Anamorphic Sculptures and Engineered Illusions are the most literal and fascinating illustrations of the importance of perspective I have ever seen.

8.) On Feb 21st I participated in putting on TEDxYouthEdmonton 2015. Amazing ideas, articulated by a group of talented and energetic young Edmontonians! Our MC this year was Kelcie Miller-Anderson, one of last year’s keynote speakers. As well as being a talented MC Kelcie has developed a way of using oyster mushrooms to remediate tailings ponds!

9.) Networks, networks, networks . . . so many varieties of networks. A five minute video on tree networks and how the network serves as a communication system. “It’s a lot like how our brains work!”

10.) This list is about remembering some of the most significant findings of my week and in many ways that is what The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact is all about.

About Maureen Crawford

I work as a researcher and educational consultant. My undergraduate degree is in industrial design so design thinking has long been part of my process - emergent connectivist learning resonates strongly with me.
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8 Responses to 10 Things Worth Sharing March 1 – 7, 2015

  1. kjeannette says:

    I love the simplicity of the way you shared the tens things you learned. I can see myself being successful with a format similar to this and along with the 30 second habit, I think I could see myself picking up the frequency of my blogging. What is interesting to me is that I’ve followed others that use a similar approach to sharing weekly, but I didn’t see their formats/delivery style as something I could do with weekly frequency. This (to me) is yet another example of why it’s great to access diverse examples and view points through your pln.

    • Thanks. I have to agree that sharing an annotated list of interesting items also appeals to me as a way in which I can post with far greater regularity. That is my goal.

  2. VanessaVaile says:

    Today someone called me the Queen of Aggregation, not mean in a nice way. It’s part of a different agenda and a longer story. Collector’s Fallacy indeed. Stuff-stuff I can resist but tell myself that digital takes up no space (never mind the brain case clutter). OneTab is addictive.

    Diigo has tools for blogging bookmarked links.

    So what am I going to do with this? Send it to OneTab for bookmarking, read and annotate (Diigo again) and re-blog on MOOC Madness (which has balloons)

    • I am a collector too. I am really trying to at least read and annotate what I collect. This project is part of the progression to not only consume but to also try to add some value and to share.

      • VanessaVaile says:

        I’ve been making more effort to take the time to add commentary on shares more regularly ~ WP re-blog feature tempted me into a reblog on the fly habit. It’s still better though to share on the run than not at all.

        Likewise, I’m working on cultivating better annotation habits. Tagging is pretty well set — nothing like having go back and retro tag a huge quantity of posts and bookmarks to reinforce that… digital aversion therapy for the collector

  3. VanessaVaile says:

    Reblogged this on MOOC Madness and commented:
    not entirely about MOOCs but surely enough so to qualify for Madness and — more important — a good read

  4. Pingback: Five ideas worth sharing – March 10, 2015 | Karen Jeannette

  5. Pingback: 5 Things Worth Sharing, March 15 – 22, 2015 | Thinking Out Loud

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