Digital Writing and Deep Connections

More thoughts on mapping and writing – on digital verses scripted writing – on the known and the knower . . .

Writing is one of the ways we map our identity. A cv is an identity map.

The invention of writing had a major impact on identity as it permitted a separation of the known from the knower. In exclusively oral societies, in linguistic terms, the container for knowledge was always the person with the knowledge. For information to travel the person with the information had to travel, there was no map for the knowledge. (I am focusing on language because of course in oral societies art, craftsmanship, and even DNA could be created/transmitted and travel great distances from the original source and they are all are closely tied to identity).

When I write longhand, with pen on paper, my writing is located in space. It exists in one location only, and the ‘links’ in the text are created in the minds of the readers . . . either intentionally/aspirationally on my part or by a reader bring their unique perspective (identity?) to the words I’ve written.

Does what I bring to my writing differ substantially with the medium I am using? Do I create a different map/identity-fragment depending on the tool I use? Am I more present/conscious in one mode than the other?

If I write with pen and paper the form of my script is undeniably tied to me. If I come across the text ten years later I know I wrote it, it is comprised of not only my words but also my handwriting. If I compose digitally I can forget or deny authorship at a later date. So, does writing digitally in some fundamental way strips away part of my irrevocable tie to the words? Provide me with an element of anonymity? Blur the lines on the map?

In, The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron promotes the use of what she calls morning pages – a form of free-flow unedited longhand stream of consciousness writing for three pages. She claims that, “Morning pages map our own interior.” and are a fount of creativity for us. (there is that concept of map again!)

Cameron is insistent that the pages be handwritten “When we write by hand, we connect to ourselves. We may get speed and distance when we type, but we get a truer connection–to ourselves and our deepest thoughts– when we actually put pen to page.” There is merit to this sentiment. I think partially because of the ease of revision, when I create a piece of digital writing, I often find it harder to connect with the deep river of self that William Stafford described so beautifully when he wrote,

“My life in writing, or my life as a writer, comes to me as two parts, like two rivers that blend. One part is easy to tell: the times, the places, events, people. The other part is mysterious; it is my thoughts, the flow of my inner life, the reveries and impulses that never get known – perhaps even to me. This second part wanders along at its own pace, caught up in a story that touches the outward story but is not the same. Often this inner story hardly belongs to the place where I’m living. Whatever the calendar says, whatever outsiders demand, this other part of my life doubles back and becomes involved in its own chosen events.

My writings are current manifestation of that blending. My poems especially, are not to my mind crafted objects but little discoveries in language that spring from the encounters between outer events and that unpredictable – never sufficiently identified – mysterious river.” (Stafford, W. 1986. You must revise your life. Univeristy of Michigan Press. p. 3)

BUT . . . I have made a personal discovery, a way of getting to that mysterious river despite using a keyboard, in fact I think an even better way of accessing my mysterious river than using pen and paper. If I close my eyes as I do digital freewriting I seem to be able to bypass my internal editor and almost magically my mind and my fingertips become one and my deep stream spills forth onto the screen. I actually find that after the process I can have very little conscious idea of the content of the writing. I need to read the text to find out what my deep river was calling forth. I find that it is a fascinating process which often provides hints as to how to approach (and sometimes solve) quandaries that I am dealing with. This digital writing process has frequently been a source of inspiration for my writing.

The following poem is an example of a piece kindled by my blind (nod to Ron Samul and Blindness in Greek myth) digital free-writing process.

Nature’s Lathe

And fall creeps in with her crystal deposits of a turned leaf and cold morning, an errant breeze and an overcast sky. Soft she touches the feather of the turning year, silently scorching the rest of the week. My heart sighs knowing the inevitable curve from gold to white and caught breath in the mind. The dog pauses at the doorway in the morning and store shelves are lined with school supplies. I am in the fall of my life, tiny tickles of creaking bones and a memory that occasionally floats a rubber raft into the middle of the lake only to forget to return to shore. What patterns of interlocking puzzle are these, ripe for deciphering but perhaps overwhelmed by the call of a quick nap seducing my energies. Already stacking fireword for the winter of writing, dreams of the blaze crackling and windchimes weaving magic spells within the shelter of my mind and house. It is the time of turning and of lathes making beautiful rather than diminishing. The sky is everyday a reminder of the cycles of inevitability.

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Arctic Interlude: DigiWriMo Storyjumper #11

This is part 11 of a multi-part story initiated by Bruno as a Digital Writing Month (#DigiWriMo) activity.

To read the whole story follow the thread: Bruno, Kevin, Maha, Sarah, Ron, Tanya, Kay, Ron, Dana, Tania, until you arrive here.  For a mapping of participants check here. If you would like to participate add your name to the Google doc.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The icy lake was no lake at all. It was the ocean at freeze up!


The tide was receding quickly as Sarah, Kevin, and Kevin’s shy neighbour Maha, found themselves bobbing in a freighter canoe out in Frobisher Bay. Instinctively each of them tucked their necks into their shoulders and drew their arms in closer to their bodies as the chilly air caught their breath. The light was fading quickly with a promise of an extra cold November-long night.

Worried more about survival than solving mysteries, Kevin was the first to notice the thermos of tea and package of hard tack pilot biscuits in the hull of the canoe. With numb fingers he fumbled as he opened the package. Meanwhile Sarah grabbed the thermos and poured tea into the single cup that the three, still somewhat stunned, adventurers would have to share.

The ever-dreamy Maha was secretly thrilled at the thought of a common cup of tea. Seemingly in a world of her own she snuggled closer to Kevin, and started humsinging a plaintive tune as she turned her eyes skyward.

Kevin finally managed to opened the pilot biscuit box and, much to his surprise, out tumbled a partial star chart, a thimble full of sand, and an antique whale-ivory double-one domino.

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Maha was all attention now. Her critical analytical mind, her years of scholarship, her status as an amateur astronomer, they all coalesced into the realization that she had a key part to play in solving the map mystery.

Her mind was spinning; ocean, ice, pilot biscuit, double-one, time warp, star chart. Even the tune she had been humming felt important . . .

Suddenly she sat bolt upright and yelled into the frozen Arctic air,


– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
To be continued  . . . . On to Sue ! You can find part 12 here

1st photo: personal photo – looking out at Frobisher Bay from the beach in Apex.

2nd photo: retrieved from

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Musing on Maps and Minds

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Wow – I have been so impressed and inspired by where the cartography of who we are has taken us. Reading all the calls and responses (with Kevin, ever game for the opening volley) has unearthed a whole range of related and unrelated thoughts. – so here they are in no particular order

Terra Incognita – isn’t that the essence of our exploration of identity?

“the best maps not only lead you into unfamiliar territory, but allow you to re-envision your own familiar surroundings from a new perspective.” – Miles Harvey author of, The Island of Lost Maps

For me, the following quotation from page 13 of Peter Turchi’s book, Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer, epitomizes my expectations of and for Digital Writing Month.

“Artistic creation is a voyage into the unknown. In our own eyes, we are off the map. The excitement of potential discovery is accompanied by anxiety, despair, cautions perhaps, perhaps boldness, and, always, the risk of failure. Failure can take the form of our being hopelessly lost, or pointlessly lost, or not finding what we came for (though that last is sometimes accompanied by the discovery of something we didn’t anticipate, couldn’t even imagine before we found it). We strike out for what we believe to be uncharted waters, only to find ourselves in someone else’s bathtub.”

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. ” – Little Gidding V,  Four Quartets. T.S. Eliot (1943)

I am also playing with the idea of contour maps that represent three dimensional space in two dimensions – how does this parallel a cv or what we are doing when we write – where we make an attempt to convey three dimensional “us” through text and two dimensions?

Then along comes Yin Wah Kreher and awakens in me some of the layers of complexity that exist between ideographic representation (Chinese characters) and alphabetic representation – which is so linear and prescribed.

. . . and Kay Sidebottom, “This blog for me, is my cartography.”

. . . and Rachel Baum, “Trust that learning can happen anywhere.”

. . . and then there is the conceptualization of neatlines. “Neatlines surround the whole picture the mapmaker wants to show. They also indicate whether the map is complete. If there are neatlines on one side of the map and not the others, you know you do not have the whole map, part of it is missing.” (p. 24, Map Art, 52 Exciting Art Explorations in Mapmaking, Imagination, and Travel)

. . . so what are your cv neatlines and where are they non-existent?

. . .where are the #Digiwrimo neatlines?

and finally another of my poems . . . because . . . just because it takes me one step closer to my own alternative cv neatlines.

Full of Twilights

The twilight blue sweater rolls across

the prairie sky fresh with the ripeness of new snow

reflecting up into the pools of cobalt blue

dotted with floating lotus clouds

soft to a horizon tinged with a blush of pink.

The corners of the fields and the sky

stretch taut, so taut that the

curvature of the earth forms a glimmer of a crescent

and the blanket glow of white enfolds the world

fresh with winter’s initiation.

Winds sciffs across the open expanse

Creating dune shadows and laying bare

chaff bristles of summer’s gathered texture.

Winter’s harvest plays with water’s many moods,

sings softly, dances lightly, twirling and scooping up

handfuls of sharp inhalations, raised shoulders,

turned heads and ears toughing shoulders.

Those of us who live above 50 degrees,

not of the thermometer but

on the only one that counts  . . . the Gaia ship

floating bubble-like and full of winter twilights

we invariably authenticate the season’s signature,

by the height of the sun and the dark of the day.

photograph at top of post from:

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Turning the Standard CV on Its Head to Start #DigiWriMo

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The challenge, as a kick start to Digital Writing Month, is to write an unCV that in some way reflects an important concept associated with identity – something that is not represented in a standard CV.

This one is for @dogtrax with an open invitation to one and all to borrow and blend, dig in and add on, tour with and spin-out. An invitation to see what happens when we ground our CVs in our own locale of identity and the vernacular of our geography.

My geographic CV

Grounded, grounding,

I live in degrees

of Fives and Threes

53.5333° N 113.5000° W

my solar system position

is family-reviewed

my life,

an open book

a published


Keeping time to the beat

Of my breath

and my near

and dear ones.

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5 Things Worth Sharing April 6 – 12, 2015

1.) #Rhizo15 is about to start! If you are interested in a 3D, postmodern, global learning scrabble a la Deleuze, Guatarri & Cormier – its time to fasten your seatbelts! If you have no idea what I am talking about but you are curious and open to a fascinating learning extravaganza that can take off in unexpected directions and where you can learn lots – check out Dave Cormier’s write-up and consider signing up. The fun begins April 15th and no matter how you feel about it you are sure to learn lots.

2.) Light reading – all obvious – but still kind of a fun list. 9 Things You Can’t Remember Anymore Thanks To Technology.

DSC_00393.) Architecture as the containers of traced movements? Mapping the movements? Fascinating reading – an article by Doina Petrescu, called The Indeterminate Mapping of the Common, “This article is about mapping and its paradoxes: mapping as a tool to speak about the indeterminate relationship between humans and space, but also as a means to operate with this indeterminacy. These relationships can be represented, mapped out only if they are performed, acted upon, experienced through . . . By considering ‘walking’ as the beginning of architecture, Careri proposes another history of architecture – one which is not that of settlements, cities and buildings made of stones but of movements, displacements and flows …. It is an architecture which speaks about space not as being contained by walls but as made of routes, paths and relationships.”

Petrescu’s article makes me think of digital traces and relationships, PLNs, ‘visitors & residents’ (see pt. 4 in my previous post) and the stirrings of a societal move from concrete operational towards formal operations/ and emergent thinking.

4.) “diversity is not our deficit; it’s our operating system” one of HASTAC’s  (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) mottos

5,) Stay hydrated! I have recently witnessed how dehydration can lead to some pretty severe mental fuzziness. Slow thinking, fatigue, muscle cramps . . . the list of symptoms that can result from dehydration goes on and on. – a simple thing but worth remembering and worth sharing!

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5 Things Worth Sharing, March 30 – April 5, 2015

  1. Two weeks ago I issued a #5thingsworthsharing challenge and Susan Spellman Cann  took up it up and ran with it. In this blog I have been focused primarily on professional considerations – Susan went with the, 5 MOST important things worth sharing, – no argument about her choices. In fact I have missed a week here because I am in the process of being with a loved one who is dying – which may cause a few more blog posting interruptions in the next month or so.
  1. I love having the opportunity to look at a space that has been designed with the intention to pay attention to one’s creative muses. Marjory Mejia has written a blog post on, A Creative Space of Flow, that says YES to creativity.
  1. Richard W. Hamming taught a course called the, Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn, in which he attempted (primarily through personal anecdotes and mathematical equations) to encourage the art of lifelong learning and promote a continual quest for knowledge. Many of his suggestions are wise counsel or guidelines for anyone wanting to create and nurture a PLN. Hamming’s ideas have been summarized in the blog post, Ten Simple Rules for Life Long Learning, According to Hammond.
  1. Marc Prensky’s hypothesis of agility with digital technology being largely dependent on when in our own developmental history we were introduced to computers lead to the terms, Digital Natives, and Digital Immigrants. Prensky hypothesis has come under considerable criticism and in all fairness Prensky himself has expressed skepticism. David White developed a view of computer usage that sees activities as being either those of a visitor or those of a resident, dependent not on the person but on the form of usage. Catherine Cronin in her blog post, Marvelous Mapping, gives a very cogent overview of visitors and residents. When we are in visitor mode we use the Internet to access information and leave no social trace. We are not particularly discriminate regarding which tool we use, we simply want the information and we are not interested in interaction. In resident mode we are participating, interacting, engaged. We choose how, and why we participate, often we choose with whom we engage, we design the ‘what’ and the ‘when’ we share. This theory really resonates with my experience.

5.   ‘Clock Problems’ and ‘Cloud Problems’ are great metaphors to explain the need to move and operate in an arena where all the parts either can or cannot be identified or sorted out ahead of time. In David Brook’s March 17, 2015 post for the New York Times he states, “Clock problems can be divided into parts, but cloud problems are indivisible emergent systems. A culture problem is a cloud, so is a personality, an era and a social environment.

Since it is easier to think deductively, most people try to turn cloud problems into clock problems, but a few people are able to look at a complex situation, grasp the gist and clarify it by naming what is going on.”

In my stream of consciousness of relating one thing to another these labels and concepts bring me to Linda Stillman’s, daily paintings. Everyday Stillman paints a small rectangular piece of the sky as she sees it through a panel in her door. “This daily process of capturing a fleeting moment in paint is contemplative- taking time everyday to stare at the sky – and the result is a diary of my art making and my place on earth. This series relates to my interest in the ways we attempt to hold onto the ephemeral memories of everyday life and try to experience time more fully.” (Ast, 2011)

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5 Things Worth Sharing, March 15 – 22, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 6.41.16 PM1.)   5 Things Worth Sharing Challenge Karen Jeanette is part of my PLN. Her encouragement of my, 10 Things Worth Sharing, format meant a great deal to me. She in turn, felt that the format provided her with a blogging technique that made the whole challenge of blogging more approachable/accessible. Last week Karen posted, Five ideas worth sharing – March 10, 2015, and it is great!! I love the way she framed her presentation with a question. This is a bit of a chain reaction as my, 10 Things Worth Sharing, format originated with Austin Kleon’s newsletter.

In my initial, 10 Things Worth Sharingpoint #5 (ironic that it was pt. 5) was Christian Tietze’s, The Collectors Fallacy, about the temptation/inclination to simply collect information rather than process it. So, Karen (and indirectly Christian) got me thinking about shifting my posts to, 5 Things Worth Sharing, and giving a bit more attention to processing, annotating and creating rather than primarily listing.

HERE IS MY CHALLENGE TO YOU! Why not create a one-off, or a series of, 5 Things Worth Sharing, blog posts. Let us know by using the hashtag, #5thingsworthsharing. Challenge your PLN to contribute. I will be watching #5thingsworthsharing, but if you would like to be direct, add @jmc3ualberta -or add a link in my comments section or a pingback!

2.)   METACOGKNITTING Last week I highlighted some of Stephanie Posavec’s work, Stephanie shared that, “Some people knit scarves while watching television; I, on the other hand, knit together information visualisations.” Stephanie was partly responsible for my knitting antennae being on high alert. This week, Mark Miodownik, wrote an article, 3D knitting: after more than 8,000 years a new dimension in weaving and spinning, where he talked about the importance of material links to the world of our everyday lives and contrasted the maternal comfort of home knitting with some of the advances in fabric technology.

This reminded me of a poem I wrote several years ago after reading a story about an Italian grandmother (nona) who survived an earthquake.

Knitting and Knowing  

At 98, Nona wore black,

Even in bed.

She wore a black shift

And a little black headscarf.

Her scrawny chicken legs

Poking out, like the

Branches of a faded birch tree.

She went to bed with her

Dreams and her knitting

Clicketty clack, clicketty clack

Knitting comfort and colour.

Family members came and went,

Snow fell, the ground shook

The sky fell in and still

Nona knit the colours of

The rainbow

At peace with not knowing

If the end had come

Or rescue was eminent.

At peace, knitting and not

Needing to know

Because the end was irrelevant.

Clicketty clack, clicketty clack

Knitting comfort and colour.

3.)   Microcogblogging is what I call Twitter! Twitter is the centre of my PLN universe. It is fascinating to consider, How Twitter Is Reshaping the Future of Storytelling, or to view it in light of scholarship, Twitter and the Locus of Research.

I see a parallels between tweeting and poetry. In, Internet Poempathy, I discussed the language of the Internet being associated with “overwhelming amounts of information  . . . where exposition results in getting bogged down – best to tag, find key words and phrases that can be staircases to mystery chambers. Doors unlock not with passwords to walled gardens but through hyperlinked tags and trusted allies leaving bread crumbs. Curation is a form of practicing poempathy (a word I coined), gathering strands that dangle enticingly in one’s peripheral vision. The central, focused vision is reserved for navigation but the periphery provides for depth and serendipitous associations ~ waves of convergent and divergent thinking replace directed thinking.”

@jessifer tweeted, “Like a poem, a tweet can condense what might otherwise be inexpressible into a very small space and self consciously constrained linguistic space.”

While thinking about Twitter it would be a pity to miss Tom Ewing’s post, The Elegant Awesomeness of Hashtag. Ewing awakes us the idea of hashtags being; invitations, secret doors, colliding networks, shadow communities, time machines, seeds, and yes – hard to control. Maria Popova, of Brain Pickings, fame wrote an intriguing article about Twitter as discovery  and a way of focusing digital attention. “there’s an “emerging sense of the author as moderator — someone able to marshal ‘the wisdom of the network.’””

4.)   Lignaippe ~ one of my university profs introduced me to the idea of creating a lignaippe (a little gift, a giving back, a returning the favour, a little something extra) for all the people who have shared their thoughts and ideas with me via the Internet. My 5 Thing Worth Sharing, initiative is a form of lignaippe. My first Internet lignaippe creation was to curate resources for PLN newbies at, PLN 2 Go. Building your Network for the most part means engaging, listening, being genuine, and being interested in someone else’s story, their thinking. I have collected a few more resources worth sharing including, How to Build Online Relationships into Meaningful Networks.

5.)   Natural Networks – Now for networks of a different kind. Do trees communicate? Networks, networks . . . Dr. Suzanne Simard presents interesting and compelling evidence, via an easily understood video, that mycorrhizal networks connect the roots of trees and that not only do they communicate but they share resources! It gives a whole new meaning to the term, underground network.

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10 Things Worth Sharing – March 8 – 15, 2015

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  1. Poetry and graphic facilitation are near and dear to my heart. I am also fascinated by networks so Stephanie Posavec’s work has an immediate appeal for me! A coined word that I have been using for a while now is, “metacogknitting”. I would say that Stephanie is a master metacogknitter. She claims, “Some people knit scarves while watching television; I, on the other hand, knit together information visualisations.”  The “book”on the site is animated and you can view the whole thing by clicking on it. Click here for another site featuring Posavec’s work.
  2. Interesting musing on what an interim hostel for serial cMOOCers would look like. – a place where the “content will be the residue left behind by the cognitive sawing and hammering done by visiting carpenters”
  3. The power of writing your personal story – there maybe more to it than you imagined!
  4. Even better, why not write a letter to your future self! Or perhaps write a letter to your children that they will receive in the future – lots of possibilities.
  5. As a leader what do you do when, They’re Excited – You’re Not, how do you respond? 10 responses to imperfect ideas.
  6. More about networks and language. “Deaf” (uppercase D) is a culture whereas “deaf” (lowercase d) is an audio deficit. Internet Slang Meets American Sign Language looks at how Deaf culture operates as a network to collaborate on new motions for web-based terms.
  7. Speed-hearing as Discrimination more thought on hearing from an important person in my PLN (personal learning network), Maha Bali. Maha is a prolific writer and she always has interesting things to say. I think her education blog, Reflecting Allowed, is well worth following.
  8. Design 101 for Educators: 5 Simple Typography Tips
  9. My Take on the Term MOOC  is one of my own blog posts in which I deconstruct what the term MOOC means to me from the perspective of a participant.
  10. Once again, I have saved one of the best links for the last. The Cynefin Framework or “the place of your multiple belongings” is an 8:37 minute YouTube clip with explanation from The Cynefin originator, Dave Snowden. It brings new clarity to the terms; complexity, emergence, and chaos.
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10 Things Worth Sharing March 1 – 7, 2015

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sculpture by Jonty Hurwitz original site for image

Week of March 1 – 7, 2015

Inspired by Austin Kleon, I am going to start posting a list of 10 things I think are worth sharing each week.

1.) Subscribe to Austin Kleon’s weekly list – it comes out every Friday and it is great! An eclectic mix of art, interesting things and innovations.

2.) The completion rate of moocs is an oft-cited issue that I think is bogus. The goal is not completion. Dave Cormier & George Siemens talk about moocs being like the beginnings of a conversation at a party, they help you decide if you want to stay longer. In this interview George alludes to mooc completion being “kind of like the question ‘who completes a library?’ We don’t have that mindset toward a library; we take the book we want to read and bring it back. MOOCs are more like that”

3.) Anyone interested in the history of communication and some of the threads that lead to the creation of the Internet will want to have at least a basic understanding of the contribution of Doug Engelbart, Vannevar Bush and The Hut Where the Internet Began?

4.) Do you think better chewing on the end of a pencil or tapping a keyboard? Research is providing some fascinating discoveries on How The Way You Write Changes the Way You Think 

5.) Did you look at this list and think, great, I’ll save it and come back to it later, or did you savour and sift through the material thoughtfully? – perhaps you suffer from Collector’s Fallacy

6.) What effect does hearing have on teaching skills? I listened to this podcast from Hybrid Pedagogy three times and each time it seemed to be richer than the time before.

7.) We frequently talk about the way in which we view the world as being a matter of perspective. Jonty Hurwitz’ Anamorphic Sculptures and Engineered Illusions are the most literal and fascinating illustrations of the importance of perspective I have ever seen.

8.) On Feb 21st I participated in putting on TEDxYouthEdmonton 2015. Amazing ideas, articulated by a group of talented and energetic young Edmontonians! Our MC this year was Kelcie Miller-Anderson, one of last year’s keynote speakers. As well as being a talented MC Kelcie has developed a way of using oyster mushrooms to remediate tailings ponds!

9.) Networks, networks, networks . . . so many varieties of networks. A five minute video on tree networks and how the network serves as a communication system. “It’s a lot like how our brains work!”

10.) This list is about remembering some of the most significant findings of my week and in many ways that is what The 30 second habit with a lifelong impact is all about.

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What is Data, Analysis and Learning Anyway?

One of the first steps in #dalmooc is to consider what data, analytics and learning mean to me.

I view data, analytics and learning as an intentional developmental progression from data to analytics to learning.

Data is the plural form for a multitude of loose little datum markers floating suspended throughout the universe with nominal attachment. The markers are evidence. They may be clustered together but they have not, as yet, coagulated into anything that makes sense, they have not been used as a basic ingredient in any recipe or novel creation.

Data can be collected, filtered and organized.  They can be sorted and catalogued (cleaned), scrutinized and categorized, winnowed down and packaged up –  in other words analyzed to create information. Information is data that has been analyzed and then synthesized to make sense. The analysis and synthesis component is critical for sense making. It is worth noting however, that sense making is a form of what I call ‘sensorship’ (i.e. censoring in order to make sense).  This is reification and one’s critical spider senses need to be on high alert for the inclination to sort in the same-old-same-old-way – to be blind to emerging patterns simply because they do not resemble old familiar patterns. Analysis should be broadened to include new ways of sensing, sorting, combining and recombining (i.e. visualizations, connections & collaborations) to create novel forms of information. Analysis implies taking apart but we may be moving into an era of collaborative, connected and/or creative analysis.

The information produced by analysis is developmentally ripe and ready to be fermented into knowledge. Taking information and mixing it with action and experience to create knowledge is transformational. It is that magnificent and magical action that we call learning.

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